How to Make Custom Boxes at Home


How to Make Custom Boxes at Home

At Home DIY

DIYs are “do it yourself”s that help save money yet receive quality results. One DIY that helps young entrepreneurs who are also cost-efficient is Homemade Custom boxes. If you look online, you will see many DIYS with different ideas about how to create your custom product box. On Pinterest alone just typing the words “custom boxes” will get you hundreds to thousands of results. Some of them even have free templates to download just to help you make it easier. But make no mistake, making your custom box is not as easy as it seems unless you have a good background in crafts. Hopefully, this article can help you.


– Box cutter

– Decorations

– Measurer

– Cardboard or material to make a box

– Packing tape


– Take the cardboard and box cutter and open up the cardboard so you can shape the cardboard into whatever shape you want

– Take the object you are going to send and use that to measure the dimensions of the box and cut accordingly

– Fold the box, so it fits well around the product.

– Make finishing touches to the box, so it looks nice, and so the item does not fall out or break. Then use the packing tape to seal up the box. If the object is fragile, then I suggest insulating the box with materials such as bubble wrap, tissue paper or packing peanuts, etc.

– Finally, decorate by adding a company logo or just make it pretty, however, you would like.


If you are not the creative type to imagine a particular type of custom box, then do not worry. There is a wide variety of custom box templates to choose from. Some include

– an oven-shaped template for baked goods

– Footlocker boxes for shoes

– Premade candy boxes

– Etc.

Question and Answer

One of the questions I hear a lot that revolves around DIY Custom boxes is how are they better than just buying premade custom boxes made by professionals. Well in the case of DIYs:

– They are usually cheaper than going through a manufacture

– you get to have a lot more control over how the process is done

– Sometimes manufacturers do not let you add an addition that you want

– Sometimes the manufacturers around your area do not have a particular material that you need or want.

In support of buying it from a store, some might say:

– When building, you lose time which can lead to you losing money and nobody wants to lose money

– There isn’t a warranty on homemade products so in the occasion that your box breaks you would have to start over and waste more money

– There is a questionable quality to handmade items such as boxes.

The choice is up to you, as an entrepreneur or just a creative artisan it is up to you to make some tough decisions considering your products and the boxes you use.

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Cleaning – Sandy’s Mondays

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