Something to Consider – a poem


Something to Consider… Or Not

a poem

By Diana Hunter McGuerty 

Do not insist that he loves you forever…
A true flaw indeed.
But if he offers those tender words…
It’s all quite lovely, indeed.
Yet… “forever” is an awfully long time
And I question its use at all.
If I were the lad in question,
I’d find reason enough to stall.

Why not just appreciate
The here… the now… as best.
For if you demand that he sign on paper
To prove he has passed “the Test”.
You may simply be left with his signature
Upon a sheet most blank
and who then, my dear, is responsible?
You’ve only yourself to thank.

I do not wish to sound the cynic
Nor spread a brusque alarm…
But your insistence upon a promise
Could cause less good than harm.
And while you’re at it, consider this:
Will he change his ways for you?
Another fatal flaw, my sweet,
Best to adjust your view.
Do you care enough for this fine young chap
To accept him for what he is?
Or had you planned to reform the cad
With your own black magic… whiz!
I must once again remind you
That such change is self-induced
And I might ask, while we’re at it,
Have your strange ways been reduced?

Each of us is a person…
A person within his (her) own right.
And before you determine to remodel,
Don’t overestimate your sights.
And yet… if chemistry and love and opportunity
Bring you together in time…
Then hurrah for Love Eternal
And ignore this silly rhyme!

Article Source:

Pasta’s Attitude – Sandy’s Mondays–pasta.html

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